A server can benefit from additional NVMe or HDD partitions, stored in the cloud.
An additional partition can be attached even live when the server is running.
Additional cloud storage can be NVMe (General Purpose NVMe) or HDD (High Density HDD).
Storage on NVMe enterprise environments for applications that require intensive I/O such as: databases, search, logs, machine learning.
Hard Disk Storage, suitable for high volume applications files or services for video on demand.
Storage can not be more convenient than that. With Cloudify.ro you always pay only for how much you need. You can create cloud storage partitions of any size.
Cloudify.ro services are charged per hour within 500 hours in a month, no need for a fixed subscription. For example a VPS that costs 0.1 EUR / hour will cost 4.8 EUR for 2 days of use, but if it is functional all month, will cost 50 EUR (500 * 0.1).
Servers can be resized instantly, including servers in the dedicated CPU category. The upgrade is also subject to hourly payment, without the need to pay a price difference. All calculations are performed at the end of the billing period.
Customers who decide not to use the services in the first 30 days from the creation of the account, are entitled to a full refund of money without giving reasons.
Cloudify.ro offers a modern, simple and intuitive dashboard, developed to put in value premium cloud hosting services.